The Light and Dark of Western Dominance

In the Soviet Union, which statement about the New Economic Policy (NEP) is true?

A. It established collectivized agriculture.

B. The NEP privatized heavy industry.

C. It helped Lenin mollify the peasants.

D. The NEP was popular, but it did not lead to economic growth.

With respect to the Holocaust, recent scholarship has revealed that

A. a majority of Germans were indifferent to the plight of the Jews.

B. resistance to the Holocaust sparked attempts to assassinate Hitler.

C. German soldiers in Eastern Europe generally opposed the anti-Semitic program.

D. most Germans were opposed to the concentration camps.

3.   The civil war in Russia came to an end when forces led by Leon Trotsky captured

A. Kiev.

B. Vladivostok.

C. Petrograd.

D. Leningrad.

4.   Following the 1911 revolution in China, Yuan Shigai

X A. moved the capital city to Beijing for the first time.

B. divided the country among his warlord supporters.

C. brought democracy to China.

D. established a dictatorship.

In 1822, after Brazil achieved independence from Portugal, _______ dominated Brazilian society.

A. Creole elites

B. Pedro II

C. local warlords

D. Pedro I

6.   In Australia, _______ was the name given to ex-felons who had served their sentences.

A. exclusionists

B. parolees

C. internists

X D. emancipists

7.   As a result of a dispute involving _______, Britain, France, and Russia began to view Bismarck’s Germany as a threat.

A. Serbia

B. Morocco

X C. Austria-Hungary

D. Algeria

.   Regarding Japan’s ultranationalists, which statement is false?

A. They were strongly anti-Western.

B. They were strongly anti-Communist.

C. They supported big business.

D. They rejected democracy.

9.   Regarding Mexico’s Porfirio Díaz, which statement is true?

A. He overthrew the Mexican Revolution of 1910.

B. He reformed the hacienda system.

C. He freed many peasant farmers from debt peonage.

D. He enacted laws that favored wealthy elites.

10.   In 1868, General W. T. Sherman brokered the Treaty of Fort Laramie, declaring that the Dakotas would remain the ancestral territory of the

A. Creek and Cherokee.

B. Cherokee.

C. Sioux and Cheyenne.

D. Delaware, Shawnee, and Wyandot.

11.   The most important factor in drawing all of the Middle East into World War I was

A. the Arab revolt under Hussein ibn Ali.

B. the battle for Gallipoli.

C. the guerilla forces led by Lawrence of Arabia.

D. the Ottoman Turks joining forces with Germany and Austria-Hungary.

12.   During World War I, Western imperialism was most evident in

A. Africa.

B. East Asia.

C. the Middle East.

D. Southeast Asia.

13.   What provision of Roosevelt’s New Deal led to substantially reduced unemployment?

A. The Works Progress Administration

B. The National Labor Relations Act

C. The Social Security Act

D. Abandonment of the gold standard and devaluation of the dollar

14.   As of 1904, U.S. neocolonialism in Latin America was most strongly represented in

A. Mexico.

B. Brazil.

C. Argentina.

D. Panama.

15.   Who advocated a “counter-cyclical policy” after World War II that became a well-established weapon against depression?

A. Leon Trotsky

B. Herbert Hoover

C. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

D. John Maynard Keynes

16.   In 1916, France and Britain secretly agreed on a partition of six Middle Eastern states. The agreement became known as the

A. Damascus agreement.

B. Balfour Declaration.

C. Treaty of Lausanne.

X D. Sykes-Picot agreement.

17.   The Spanish monarch Charles III established Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador under the viceroyalty of

A. Bogotá.

X B. New Granada.

C. Peru.

D. Rio de la Plata.

18.   The only country in Southeast Asia to maintain its independence was

A. Siam.

B. Java.

C. Vietnam.

D. Cambodia.

19.   In 1927, how did Chiang Kai-shek resolve disputes between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party?

A. He initiated the New Culture Movement.

B. He offered Taiwan to the Communists.

C. He specified boundaries between Nationalist and Communist territories.

D. He decided to liquidate members of the Communist Party.

20.   In British India, the Rowlatt Acts led to

A. extensive rioting.

B. a weakening of nationalism in India.

C. the Amritsar conference.

D. an agreement to grant India Commonwealth status.


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