

There is an endless list of common stereotypes found in U.S. culture. The following are just a few: Blonde people are not smart. Caucasian men do not dance well. Overweight people are lazy. Women are emotional and men are not. Males are better at math than females. It is important to recognize the existence of

Colorado SOCIOLOGY Read More »

paper on natural resources and energy

Q:Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on natural resources and energy. Include the following: Choose a specific ecosystem, such as a forest, grassland, or a marine or freshwater aquatic ecosystem. • Identify impacts associated with agriculture. • Identify and discuss the effects that a growing human population may have on that ecosystem’s resources, including loss

paper on natural resources and energy Read More »

business communication – Analyze persuasive requests and sales message

There are two questions. Each essay needs to be 200 words or more. If at all possible please use Business Communication (making connections in a digital world) as a reference while answering the questions. 1 Is there justification for positive writing in a message refusing credit? In this circumstance, how might you evaluate and respond

business communication – Analyze persuasive requests and sales message Read More »

company executive summary

1. Executive Summary 2. Firm, Industry, and Environment (not to exceed 2 pages) 1. Summary description the firm including a brief description of the key product or service, the relevant market, and analysis of demand including the principle factors that influence demand, and the implications for revenue. 2. Brief description of the principal inputs, production

company executive summary Read More »


Part 1: View a feature film made between 1940 – 1970 you have not seen before (nor will see later in this class) by a great director. If you would like to see an American film, consider seeing something directed by Frank Capra, George Cukor, John Ford, George Stevens, Preston Sturges, Billy Wilder, or William