Business Theory full course

Course Outline Week Topic(s) Learning Objective(s) Reading(s) Assignment(s) 1 Six Business Environments – Past, Present, and Future LO – 1 – Identifying one of the business environments used in this course, the student will be able to discuss that environment’s past, present, and future with the use one business theorist. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> Readings based on your chosen environment to discuss; you are not limited to the below: Sociocultural: 1. Geert Hofstede: .com/”> Economic: 2. Rostow’s Economic Development:”>”> 3. Galbraith and Economics:”> 4. The Leontief Paradox:”> Domestic: 5. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model:”> Global: 6. Global Agricultural Marketing Management:”> 7. Platzek, B. P., Winzker, D., & Pretorius, L. (2011, January). Global business environment: Holistic intrapreneurship. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 8(1), 96-114 located in BUSN310 campus guide. 8. Elekda?, S. (2008). How does the global economic environment influence the demand for IMF resources? IMF Staff Papers, 55(4), 624-653. doi:10.1057/imfsp.2008.4 located in BUSN310 campus guide. Technology: 9. Goedhuys, M., Janz, N., & Mohnen, P. (2008, June). What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or business environment? European Journal of Development Research, 20(2), 199-218. doi:10.1080/09578810802060785 located in BUSN310 campus guide. Political/Legal 10.Wu, Q. (2007, November). The making of a market economy in China: Transformation of government regulation of market development. European Law Journal, 13(6), 750-771. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0386.2007.00394.x located in BUSN310 campus guide. Scholarly References Forum –Please ensure you have read these guidelines. Forum – Here, you will find the class ID and password; you need to read and respond to this forum. Introduction – Forum Forums are an integral element of the learning process. To have effective forums, it helps to get to know each other. Our introduction forum is a graded assignment and designed to build peer- to-peer relationships by introducing oneself and one’s background to the class. Post your introduction with the following in a 200-250 word paragraph: 1. Introduce yourself and describe your background to others. 2. Articulate your individual learning goals. 3. Articulate your expectations for this course. 4. Reply to 2 other students’ introduction, minimum 100 words each. Submit your Forum Post initial post by midnight, Day 7. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. Forum 1 Choose one of the types of environments discussed in the Lesson for Week 1 and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in APA format; see resources). 2. Briefly summarize your chosen environment’s past, present, and future. a. What was that environment like in the past (more than 20 years ago)? Was it affected by the other environments? b. Next, describe what it’s like in today’s business world. c. Lastly, what does the future hold for your environment? d. At least one business theorist must be integrated into the information. 3. This is specific to the environment; don’t discuss companies and industries, yet. 4. Minimum 5 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 5. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 6. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 1 initial post by midnight, Day 7. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. Assignment 1 Identify the company you have decided to use for your assignments, which must be different from your forum company. Your Instructor will let you know if the company has been approved. Submit Assignment 1 by midnight, Day 7, week 1. Choose a company from Fortune 500’s Worst List (”> 2 The Domestic Environment LO – 2 – Given a company, the student will determine how government regulations affect the company and how to overcome barriers within the Domestic Environment using business theory. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> You are not limited to the below: 6. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model:”> 7. Warren, R. C. (2003). The evolution of business legitimacy. European Business Review, 15(3), 153-153. BUSN310 course campus guide articles. 8. Handlin, Amy H. Government grief: How to help your small business survive mindless regulation, political corruption and red tape. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2011. Chapters 1-4. BUSN310 course campus guide eReserves tab. 9. Davidson, W. H. (1979, December). Factor endowment, innovation and international trade theory. Kyklos, 32(4), 764. BUSN310 course campus guide articles tab. Here is a good list of Business Theorists in one place (do not use Wikipedia for research of their theories; this is only to provide names):”> Assignment 2 Starting with this assignment and going forward, you will be researching the company your Instructor approved in Assignment 1. Complete the following: 1. Using the company you identified in Assignment 1, state the company, the industry it operates in, and its Domestic Environment (home country) (for example, US Air operates in the Airline industry and its home country/domestic environment is the USA). 2. Choose an attribute from their table and then click the Least Admired tab. 3. Summarize the company’s industry, how long they have been in business, and the attribute they are the least admired for. 4. Identify a business theorist and their theory. 5. Investigate the government regulations associated with the industry (for example, government regulations for the Airline industry). 6. How will the domestic government regulations affect your chosen company in its domestic environment? 7. What can you do to overcome these regulations? Incorporate your business theorist here. It is not sufficient to state nothing or that you would do what the company is already doing. You must provide some critical thought (see resources). 8. Research requirement: minimum 2 sources PLUS the text. 9. Page requirement: 2 pages in APA format. 10. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information). 11. NOTE: Items 1-4 should not exceed 2 paragraphs (100 words each paragraph). Submit Assignment 2 by midnight, Day 7, week 2. Forum Post 2 Choose a company of your choice from the Fortune 500 Best List (see resources) and complete the following: 1. Identify a company, state the company (for example, US Airways). 2. Identify the industry your chosen company operates in (for example, US Airways operates in the Airline Industry). 3. Identify the domestic environment (home country) of your chosen company (for example, the domestic environment for US Airways is the USA). 4. Identify the business theorist you used in Forum 2. 5. Perform research (minimum of 2 scholarly sources (see resources) in APA format). 6. Investigate the government regulations associated with the industry (for example, government regulations for the Airline industry). 7. How will the domestic government regulations affect your chosen company in its domestic environment? 8. How would your business theorist help your company in its domestic environment? You must provide some critical thought (see resources). 9. NOTE: Items 1-4 should not exceed 1 paragraph (100 words in a paragraph). 10. Minimum 4 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 11. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 12. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 2 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Replies (to an environment different from your chosen environment) due by midnight, Day 7. 3 The Global Environment LO – 3 – Given a chosen company, the student will apply strategy to barriers of government regulations and characteristics of success using a Global environment for the company. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> You are not limited to the below: 6. Platzek, B. P., Winzker, D., & Pretorius, L. (2011, January). Global business environment: Holistic intrapreneurship. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 8(1), 96-114 located in BUSN310 campus guide. 7. Elekda?, S. (2008). How does the global economic environment influence the demand for IMF resources? IMF Staff Papers, 55(4), 624-653. doi:10.1057/imfsp.2008.4 located in BUSN310 campus guide, articles. Assignment 3 Continue working with your chosen least admired company for the assignments and complete the following: 1. Identify the industry for your chosen company and its Domestic Environment. 2. Identify a Global Environment for the company (an international country for the company). 3. What are the characteristics of the new Global Country/Environment that will best suit the company for success? 4. What barriers exist in the new Global Country/Environment? You cannot state there are no barriers. 5. How will the company overcome those barriers (strategies)? 6. Research requirement: minimum 2 sources PLUS the text. 7. Page requirement: 2 pages in APA format. 8. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information). 9. NOTE: Items 1-2 should not exceed 1 paragraph (100 words in a paragraph). Submit Assignment 3 by midnight, Day 7, week 3. Forum Post 3 Continue working with the company you chose from Week 2 for forums and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources plus text in APA format). 2. Identify a Global Environment for the company (an international country for the company). 3. What are the characteristics of the new Global Country/Environment that will best suit the company for success? 4. What barriers exist in the new Global Country/Environment? You cannot state there are no barriers. 5. How will the company overcome those barriers (strategies)? 6. Minimum 3 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 7. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 8. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 3 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. 4 Technological Environment LO – 4 – Working with their chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate hard and soft technology using both the Domestic and Global environments of the company. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> You are not limited to the below: 6. Goedhuys, M., Janz, N., & Mohnen, P. (2008, June). What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or business environment? European Journal of Development Research, 20(2), 199-218. doi:10.1080/09578810802060785 located in BUSN310 campus guide, articles. 7. Johnson, R. L. (2006, Summer). Strategy, success, a dynamic economy and the 21st century manager. The Business Review, 5(2), 23-29 located in BUSN310 campus guide, articles. 8. Challenges of information technology management in the 21st century: 2000 Information Resources Management Association International Conference: Anchorage, Alaska, USA May 21-24, 2000 / [edited by] Mehdi Khosrowpour. Chapters 7, 13, 25, 56, located in BUSN310 campus guide. Assignment 4 Continue working with your chosen least admired company for the assignments and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format). 2. Identify the hard and soft technology used for both the domestic and global environments. This is not about computers or software; see lesson plan for details and remember to incorporate critical thinking (see resources). 3. Identify the technology barriers to the company in both environments. 4. Discuss how the company can overcome these. 5. Evaluate the strategy used and how the company will protect their technology. 6. Page requirement: 3 pages in APA format. 7. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information). Submit Assignment 4 by midnight, Day 7, week 4. Forum Post 4 Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 for forums and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format). 2. Identify the hard and soft technology used for both the domestic and global environments. This is not about computers or software; see lesson plan for details and remember to incorporate critical thinking (see resources). 3. Identify the technology barriers to the company in both environments. 4. Evaluate the strategy used and how the company will protect their technology. 5. Make recommendations on how the company can overcome these. It is not sufficient to say you have no recommendations; incorporate critical thinking (see resources). 6. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 7. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 4 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. 5 The Political-Legal Environment LO – 5 – Working with their chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate the political and legal limitations and barriers using both the Domestic and Global environments. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> You are not limited to the below: 6. Global Agricultural Marketing Management: The Legal, Political/Trade Environment Chapter 4”> 7. Wu, Q. (2007, November). The making of a market economy in China: Transformation of government regulation of market development. European Law Journal, 13(6), 750-771. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0386.2007.00394.x located in BUSN310 campus guide articles. 8. Frynas, J. G. (2002). The limits of globalization–legal and political issues in e-commerce. Management Decision, 40(9), 871-880located in BUSN310 campus guide articles. 9. Keping, Yu; Thornton, John L.; Li, Cheng. Democracy is a good thing: Essays on politics, society, and culture in contemporary china. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009. Chapters 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves. Assignment 5 Continue working with your chosen least admired company and complete the following: 1. Integrate the political and legal environments/structures of your 2 countries (domestic and global). 2. What barriers exist for your least admired company in the context of the domestic and global political-legal environments? 3. Research requirement: minimum 2 sources PLUS the text. 4. Page requirement: 3 pages in APA format. 5. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information). 6. NOTE: Item 1 should not exceed 1 paragraph (100 words each paragraph). Submit Assignment 5 by midnight, Day 7, week 5. Forum Post 5 Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 for forums and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format). 2. Integrate the company’s political and legal environments from its domestic country. 3. What barriers do you notice? 4. What limitations do you see for this company? 5. Minimum 3 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 6. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 7. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 5 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. 6 The Sociocultural Environment LO – 6 – Working with their chosen company, the student will examine the Sociocultural factors and how those factors affect their chosen company using their identified Domestic and Global environments. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> You are not limited to the below: 6. Global Agricultural Marketing Management: Cultural environment Chapter 3”> 7. Export Help: Socio-cultural environment”> 8. Geert Hofstede: .com/”> 9. Fish, A. (2005). Assisting cross-border manager adjustment: Psycho-cultural and socio-cultural interventions. Personnel Review, 34(2), 225-245, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, articles. 10.Mariana, C. L., Raluca, G. I., & Gratiela, G. (2009). Culture – major determinant of the European consumer behavior. Annales Universitatis Apulensis: Series Oeconomica, 11(2), 1019-1024, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, articles. 11.Livermore, David. Leading with cultural intelligence: the new secret to success.New York: American Management Association, 2010. Chapters 1, 2, 4, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves. 12.Thomas, David C., and Inkson, Kerr. Cultural intelligence: Living and working globally. Williston, Vermont: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009. Chapters 1, 4, 5, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves. 13.Keping, Yu; Thornton, John L.; Li, Cheng. Democracy is a good thing: Essays on politics, society, and culture in contemporary china. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009. Chapters 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves. Assignment 6 Continue working with your chosen least admired company and its industry and complete the following: 1. Using your Domestic and Global Environments (countries) and the opposing cultural clusters (as identified in International business: theory and practice) identify which cluster(s) your two countries fit. 2. Identify the socio-cultural parts of each country as related to business for your company. a. You will need to examine these with the aid of Geert Hofstede (see resources). 3. Identify and discuss the various sociocultural aspects of each country. Do they differ? How? What are the similarities? 4. How would these factors affect your company’s business in your Domestic and Global Environments (countries)? 5. Research requirement: minimum 2 sources PLUS the text and Hofstede. 6. Page requirement: 3 pages in APA format. 7. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information). Submit Assignment 6 by midnight, Day 7, week 6. Forum Post 6 Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format). 2. Identify the country cluster (as identified in the text) for both your Domestic and Global environments. 3. Include sociocultural factors that may help and hinder the company and its operations in 2 different cluster countries. 4. Evaluate their successes and/or failures. 5. Minimum 4 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 6. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 7. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 6 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. 7 The Economic Environment LO – 7 – Given two economic theories, the student will compare and contrast each theory using the company’s Domestic and Global environments. 1. Scholarly Resources:”> 2. Critical Thinking:”> 3. APA:”> 4. APA:”> 5. Paraphrasing/Writing:”> You are not limited to the below: 6. Global Agricultural Marketing Management: The Economic Environment Chapter 2”> 7. Elekda?, S. (2008). How does the global economic environment influence the demand for IMF resources? IMF Staff Papers, 55(4), 624-653. doi:10.1057/imfsp.2008.4 located in BUSN310 campus guide. 8. Batra, R. N., & Beladi, H. (1990, November). Pattern of trade between underemployed economies. Economica, 57(228), 485-493 located in BUSN310 campus guide, articles. 9. Heravi, I. (1986, October). The Leontief Paradox, reconsidered: Correction. Journal of Political Economy, 94(5), 1120 located in BUSN310 campus guide, articles. 10.Ishizawa, S. (1988, September). Increasing returns, public inputs, and international trade. American Economic Review, 78(4), 794 located in BUSN310 campus guide, articles. 11. Rostow’s Economic Development:”>”> 12. Galbraith and Economics:”> 13. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model:”> 14. The Leontief Paradox:”> Assignment 7 Continue working with your chosen least admired company and its industry and complete the following: 1. Using your chosen company’s domestic environment identify its economic environment and compare and contrast it using Rostow and Galbraith (see lesson plan and resources). 2. Repeat the same for the global environment you have identified. 3. Research requirement: minimum 3 sources PLUS the text. 4. Page requirement: 3 pages in APA format. 5. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information). Submit Assignment 7 by midnight, Day 7, week 7. Forum Post 7 Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 and complete the following: 1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format). 2. Using your chosen company’s domestic and global environments identify the economic environment of each and compare and contrast it using Rostow and Galbraith (see lesson plan and resources). 3. Which are the limitations? Why? 4. Minimum 5 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 5. Reply to 2 other of your classmates’ original posting. 6. Refer to the syllabus about the minimum requirements for forums. Submit your Forum Post 7 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Replies due by midnight, Day 7. 8 The Simulation Project LO – 8 – Given a company, the student will be able to identify the studied environments (domestic, global, technological, political-legal, sociocultural, and economic) of that company, combine these environments, and develop a final analysis that synthesizes government regulations for the domestic and global environments, hard and soft technology for the company, the political-legal barriers for the company in the domestic and global environments, the sociocultural factors of the domestic and global environments of the company, and two economic theories for the domestic and global environments. Review all Resources. You are not limited to the below: Závadský, J., & Lukáš, T. (2010). Simulation and its purpose in implementing of business process man

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