Create an online Presentation (by using Google Presentation, Prezi or Powerpoint online) that explains “Key Concepts” in Digital Video and Multimedia
Technical Requirements:
1- At least 17 slides plus 1 title and 1 resources slide are needed
2- For difficult concepts such as “long shot” , provide a picture or short video clip as an example of the concept
3- Write your sources at the end of the presentation
Key Concepts on Multimedia and Digital Video:
- Roles and jobs of a production crew for digital video projects (2 SLIDES)
- executive producer, producer, director, engineer, script writer, editor, camera operator, presenter, audio technician
- Roles and jobs of a production crew for multimedia projects (2 SLIDES)
- project manager, lead programmer, writer, art director, editor, sound engineer, researcher, animator, presenter
- Basic concepts of video filming (2 slides)
- Composition, Ratio of image to frame, Position in frame, Line of gaze, pan/tilts, movement,perspective
- Basic camera techniques (1 slide)
- zoom, focus,iris control,white balance, filters
- Lighting techniques (1 slide)
- key, fill, backlight
- Basic video-shot vocabulary (1 slide)
- Long shot, medium shot, extreme close
- Analog, digital, codec, drop-frame, resolution (1 slide)
- Differences and similarities between linear and nonlinear editing (1 slide)
- How to output digital video to analog and analog video to digital (1 slide)
- Chroma key or Color key(1 slide)
- Frame and Fps(1 slide)
- Cutaway and Jump Cut(1 slide)
- Persistence of Vision and Rule of Thirds (1 slide)