Global Banking. Economics and with specific resources

Eco 332, Money and Banking            Term Paper Assignment Instructions      Fall 2016


Eco 332 (Money and Banking) focuses on the traditional model of money and banking in the American banking system, a mixed capitalist economy.   The course explains the functions of money and the functions and responsibilities of banking intermediaries and the Federal Reserve System in facilitating the needs of demanders of money.  The course presentation of banking presumes one banking system exists which satisfies the needs of all potential users. In recent years, the evolution of non-traditional banking options has changed the view that one banking system can satisfy all users of banking services.  Additionally, as the economic world has become more interdependent, national banking systems have evolved into global banking systems.


Changes in the traditional banking system leave us with two broad questions—How has the traditional banking system changed?  and  How have banks responded to increased global interdependence?  In this assignment you will respond to one of the above questions in a term (research) paper; you may select either question. For your convenience three topics are provided from which you may choose to write your paper:

  1. Shadow Banking (in either the U.S. or a country of your choice).
  2. Social Banking (in either the U.S. or a country of your choice).
  3. Global Banking.

Topics (1) and (2) will answer the “how has traditional banking changed” question.  The Global Banking topic is broad so you will need to narrow to a specific issue.


In 1,250 to 1,500 words (5-6  pages excluding the title and references pages) compare and contrast the traditional banking model to either “Shadow Banking” or “Social Banking”.  OR, describe and discuss “Global Banking” or a global banking topic.  You may also compare and contrast the same system, e.g. Shadow Banking, between two countries.  Your paper should specify a premise (thesis) which may reflect an opinion reached after studying the topic and should  present key aspects/facts/features of the system.  Remember to also include statistics (for example, the $ size of traditional banking transactions versus transactions in the alternative system) which describe the system and lend support to your position.  Overall you want the paper to demonstrate that you researched the topic and want to reflect what you learned.  (Notify me of your topic through Canvas in the designated folder).

Required Sources

Your paper must reference at least eight sources dated no older than 2008; two (2) sourcesmust be academic sources; the remaining six (6) sources can be newspaper articles, internet news sources, agency sources (federal reserve, IMF …) and so on.



Format your paper according to APA style.  Use in-text citations, title and references pages. Times New Roman, Font size 11 or 12, double-spaced, one-inch margins.  You may either imbed tables or graphs or place in an appendix; however, remember to follow APA instructions on labeling and citing.

*Term Paper Schedule


Due Date Task Deliverable Feedback


Review the three topics provided on the term paper instructions sheet. Select a topic that interest you. Indicate the country on which you will focus. Short paragraph (at least four sentences) identifying the topic you selected. Submit to Canvas Acknowledgement of your topic will be given in Canvas.
 9/29/16 Identify references you plan on using to develop your topic. Identify more than the required eight (8) sources, just in case you mistakenly identify irrelevant topics.  For easy access, a  Library Resources portal is  linked to our Canvas course.  Begin your search there. (There may be a list of sources specific to your topic).   If you need assistance finding sources, consult references’ librarians for help. Begin reading and writing. A list of the sources (references) you plan to use to develop your paper. Submit to Canvas. Feedback given in Canvas.
10/13/16 Develop the Introduction plus the first three pages of  your paper.  Submit to Canvas.  Get your thoughts down. Introduction and first three pages of your paper plus your references list. Submit to Canvas. Feedback given in Canvas.
11/10/16 Finish writing of the first draft of your paper.  Respond to feedback given on the first 5-pages of your paper and complete the remaining components.  There will be an opportunity to add to the paper. Term paper draft, 5-6 pages plus the title and references pages. Submit to Canvas. Feedback given in Canvas.
11/28/16 Revise/edit papers based upon feedback. Final paper, hardcopy and in Canvas. Feedback and grade given in Canvas.

*This schedule will be revised as necessary to accommodate student needs.  However, the final date will not change.




Your paper must reference at least eight sources dated no older than 2008; two (2) sourcesmust be academic sources; the remaining six (6) sources can be newspaper articles, internet news sources, agency sources (federal reserve, IMF …) and so on.




Term Draft


Term Draft

Criteria Ratings Pts
Term Draft
Complete draft of the term paper. Draft reflects attention to all feedback given on Tasks 1-3. Submitted timely.

20.0 pts

Complete draft of the term paper. Draft reflects attention to most feedback given on Tasks 1-3. Submitted timely.

17.8 pts

Complete draft of the term paper. Draft reflects attention to some feedback given on Tasks 1-3; still needs corrections. Submitted timely.

15.8 pts

Incomplete draft of the term paper. Inattention to feedback given on Tasks 1-3; needs many corrections. Submitted timely.

13.8 pts

Submitted after the due date. Or, does not submit a draft.

0.0 pts

20.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0




Term Paper

Term Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts
Well-developed introduction. Sufficient background is included to direct the reader and the central thesis is clearly communicated, worth developing; limited enough to manage.

12.0 pts

Introduces the topic. Sufficient background and clearly states a thesis/central idea, but may have minor lapses in development.

10.7 pts

Introduces the topic in general terms. Insufficient background; unclear thesis yet may be inferred.

9.5 pts

Inadequate introduction. No background or does not have a clear idea or does not respond appropriately to the assignment.

8.3 pts

Does not introduce the paper or provide a thesis.

0.0 pts

12.0 pts
Excellent response to the assignment. • Clearly, logically and effectively presents information learned about the topic. • Uses appropriate terminology and defines terms where necessary. • Important and relevant similarities and differences between systems are delineated clearly and discussed. • Includes relevant and sufficient statistics on pertinent measures of system differences. • Discussion tells an interesting and informative story about the system. Initial and emerging trends in the system are addressed

45.0 pts

Very good response to the assignment. • Information learned is presented in a relatively logical and informative manner. • Mostly uses appropriate terminology and defines most important terms. • Important and relevant similarities and differences are identified, most discussed. • Reports relevant stats on pertinent differences. • Discussion is interesting and informative about initial characteristics and emerging trends

40.1 pts

Good response to the assignment. • Some aspects need more development. • Information learned is presented yet disorganized and unclear. • Inconsistent use of terminology or omitted definitions. • Identified similarities and differences yet did not or incompletely discussed. • Tells an incomplete story about the system; omits a discussion of initial and emerging trends.

35.5 pts

Weak response to the assignment. • Unclear presentation of information learned. • Used bullet-format or omitted discussion of similarities and differences. • Tells a sketchy story about the system. • No evidence of synthesis.

31.1 pts

Poor response. • Unclear what the topic is or what was learned from the topic. • Or, did not submit the assignment.

26.6 pts

45.0 pts
Organization & Coherence
Uses a logical structure appropriate to paper’s subject, purpose, audience, thesis, and disciplinary field. Sophisticated transitional sentences often develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations. It guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas. Concludes the paper in a paragraph.

12.0 pts

Shows a logical progression of ideas and uses fairly sophisticated transitional devices; e.g., may move from least to more important idea. Some logical links may be faulty, but each paragraph clearly relates to paper’s central idea. Concludes the paper in a paragraph.

10.7 pts

May list ideas or arrange them randomly rather than using any evident logical structure. May use transitions, but they are likely to sequential (first, second, third) rather than logic-based. While each paragraph may relate to central idea, logic is not always clear. Paragraphs have topic sentences but may be overly general, and arrangement of sentences within paragraphs may lack coherence.

9.5 pts

May have random organization, lacking internal paragraph coherence and using few or inappropriate transitions. Paragraphs may lack topic sentences or main ideas, or may be too general or too specific to be effective. Paragraphs may not all relate to paper’s thesis.

8.3 pts

No appreciable organization; lacks transitions and coherence.

0.0 pts

12.0 pts
References include two academic sources and six other credible sources.

10.0 pts

References include two academic sources and 4 other credible sources.

8.9 pts

References include one academic source and six other credible

7.9 pts

References do not include any academic sources.

6.9 pts

No references included.

0.0 pts

10.0 pts
Formatting and Grammar
Follows all APA style requirements for the paper. Subtitles are used to organize the paper. Entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors (1-3 minor errors).

11.0 pts

Nearly all APA style requirements are met. Subtitles are used to organize the paper. Entirely free of spelling errors; minor grammatical or punctuation errors, 4-5).

9.8 pts

Partially applied APA style requirements. Paper is not subtitled. Entirely free of spelling errors, some punctuation errors (6-7), syntax and other errors, which are confusing.

8.7 pts

APA style is not applied; many spelling, punctuation and/or grammatical errors (8 or more). Paper is not subtitled.

7.6 pts

Unstructured or unformatted paper.

6.6 pts

11.0 pts
Meets 1,250 – 1,500 word requirement (excluding title and references pages).

10.0 pts

1,249 – 1,200 words (excluding title and references pages).

8.9 pts

1,185 – 1,050 words (excluding title and references pages).

7.9 pts

1,035 – 900 words (excluding title and references pages).

6.9 pts

Less than 900 words. (excluding title and references pages)

0.0 pts

10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0


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