PROJECT: ETHICAL THEORY AND ITS APPLICATION Project Introduction: The project in the course is based on ethical theories and its application in real life. There are two parts to this project. In Part 1 of the project, which deals with ethical theories, you will compare and contrast the leading ethical theories. In Part 2 of the project, you will be practically applying these theories in issues of culture and civilization, justice, contemporary ethical debates, and your chosen field of study and career. In the course project, you will use your course notes, textbook, lessons, and perform research on the internet to discuss the questions provided. Course Learning Objectives Tested: Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives. Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and describe how it relates to the discipline of ethics. Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and care ethics. Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality. Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and nonconsequentialist ethical theories. Compare and contrast absolutism and relativism in order to relate them to types of propositions. Differentiate among determinism, indeterminism, fatalism, predestination, universal causation, and freedom. Explain and analyze the five attributes that must be present for any moral system to operate and establish order and security. Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems. Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates. 1 HU4640 Project PROJECT SUBMISSION PLAN Project Part Project Part Description/Requirements of Project Part Assessment Preparation Checklist: Evaluation Criteria The project rubric will 1 To prepare for this assessment, read Chapters 1–6 from your be used to evaluate this textbook, Ethics: Theory and Practice, 11th ed. assessment. Instructions: Use your course notes, textbook, lessons, and perform research on the internet to provide an overview and examples of each key ethical concept below. Be sure to use outline points as headers to ensure that each required topic is covered in an organized and effective way. Title: An Introduction to Ethical Theories Answer the following questions: 1) What, according to you, is ethics? 2) Discuss the following approaches to the study of morality and identify the approach that is closest to your own. Scientific Philosophical Theological/Religious 3) Explain the following sources of ethics with the help of an example. Reason based ethics Emotion based ethics Intuitionism 2 HU4640 Project Project Part Description/Requirements of Project Part Virtue Ethics (Individualism) and Care Ethics (Collectivism) 4) Include a general discussion with three core features (with at least one criticism) of Virtue Ethics. Discuss Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Explain the Golden Mean. Discuss Confucian Moral Self-Cultivation. Provide an example of Virtue Ethics 5) Include a general discussion with three core features (with at least one criticism) of Care Ethics Provide an Example of Care Ethics. Explain your personal viewpoint on Care Ethics. Absolutism v. Relativism 6) Define Absolutism and provide an example of absolutist ethical decision. 7) Define Relativism and provide an example of a relativist ethical decision. 8) Define and discuss Cultural Relativism. 9) Reflect on whether you are an absolutist or relativist. Consequentialism v. Deontological Ethics 10) Define Consequentialism and discuss the pros and cons of both Act and Rule Utilitarianism. Provide your own insights on Utilitarianism. 11) Explain the following types of egoism with the help of an example: Psychological Egoism Ethical Egoism Individual Ethical Egoism Universal Ethical Egoism 12) Include a general discussion with three core features (with at 3 Evaluation Criteria HU4640 Project Project Part Description/Requirements of Project Part least one criticism) of Deontological Ethics. Evaluation Criteria 13) Compare and contrast Kant’s Absolutism with Ross’ Prima Facie Duties. 14) Provide an Example of Ethical Nonconsequentialism. 15) Reflect on whether you are a deontologist or a consequentialist. Free Will v. Determinism 16) Analyze Free Will and Determinism, their potential compatibility. Discuss your own reflections on the subject. Submission Requirements: 1) The project submission should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. 2) Cover page, references page, running header, page numbers, and parenthetical citations should follow APA format. 3) Outline points can be used as APA headers to enhance organization. 4) Double spaced and 1” margins on all sides. 5) 12 point Arial font 6) Final draft should include an abstract. Due: Module 3 Grading Weight: 12.5% Project Part Assessment Preparation Checklist: The project rubric will 2 To prepare for this assessment, read Chapters 7–16 from your be used to evaluate this textbook, Ethics: Theory and Practice, 11th ed. assessment. Title: Ethics in Practical Application In Project Part 1, you analyzed each of the leading contemporary theories. In Project Part 2, you will apply these theories to issues of 4 HU4640 Project Project Part Description/Requirements of Project Part civilization and culture, justice, and your chosen profession and/or field of study. Use your course notes, textbook, lessons, and perform research on the internet to discuss each of the questions below. Reward and Punishment 1) Explain Social Contract Theory and answer the following prompts: Why was the Social Contract Created? In what ways is the Social Contract a myth? Provide an example illustrating the concept of the social contract. Would you sign the Social Contract in the U.S. if you had the choice? 2) Explain the differing viewpoints on justice with the help of an example: Retribution (Deserts Theory) Utilitarianism (Results Theory) Restitution (Compensation Theory) 3) Explain John Rawls’ Theory of Justice and the Veil of Ignorance allegory. 4) Briefly describe cultural relativism and respond to the following questions: Do you agree that what is right is relative to culture, or is there one absolute morality or set of principles that all cultures should maintain? What would the perfect, just society look like? 5) Think about the business, economical, technological, environmental, biomedical, cultural, or any other major ethical 5 Evaluation Criteria HU4640 Project Project Part Description/Requirements of Project Part considerations in your chosen field of study or profession and do the following: Select, define, and explore what you would consider to be the three most pressing ethical concerns in your field, using illustrative examples from the real world when possible. For each primary ethical consideration, apply a minimum of two types of ethics to the issue. For example, you might select corporate social responsibility (CSR) and determine how a utilitarian might handle CSR the same as or differently from an egoist or a deontologist. 6) Conclude your project by summarizing your thoughts on the pressing ethical issues in your field and discussing the types of ethics you will use going forward in your professional life. Submission Requirements: 1) The project submission should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. 2) Cover page, references page, running header, page numbers, and parenthetical citations should follow APA format. 3) Outline points can be used as APA headers to enhance organization. 4) Double spaced and 1” margins on all sides. 5) 12 point Arial font 6) Final draft should include an abstract. Due: Module 6 Grading Weight: 12.5% 6 Evaluation Criteria

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