

1. Define what Auguste Comte meant by positivism. Then explain his three historical epistemological stages of human society.   2. Briefly summarize any one of the classical theories of Marx, Weber, or Durkheim from the Chapter. What is their contribution to the discipline?

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Theories in Counseling

Structural Family Therapy Family Interview Presentation (35 points) Family Interview Paper Assignment (6 page paper) Prior to doing this assignment please read the power point entitled “Family Interview Theories.” This power point contains the following theories: Family Systems Theory, Bowen’s Theory, and Structural Family Theory. Pick ONE of these theories to apply a video you

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Research and Psychology

ind an article published within the last 6 years about any area of psychology – social psychology, personality, motivation, emotion, consciousness, facial recognition, mental disorders, psychological treatment, etc.  Use the ESC Library or another college library to search for psychology articles. Do not use Wikipedia, About.com, Google, Goofle Scholar, etc. as your source. Read the article and in your

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Psychology in the News

This assignment is designed to get you critically thinking and writing about how psychological issues are presented in the popular media. Magazine, newspaper, radio and tv accounts of psychological phenomena often are presented more to attract an audience than to provide fully accurate information. To complete this assignment, you will need to select five recent

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Ethical Autobiography Report

Counselors have an ethical responsibility to provide professional services that demonstrate respect for the cultural worldviews, values, and traditions of culturally diverse clients. To the extent that counselors are focused on the values of the dominant culture and insensitive to variations among groups and individuals, they are at risk for practicing unethically. However, how do

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Describe a time when you were surprised by something that was considered popular but that was new to you. Analyze whether or not you consider yourself to be an active participant in popular culture.

Describe a time when you were surprised by something that was considered popular but that was new to you. Analyze whether or not you consider yourself to be an active participant in popular culture. Explain your analysis. If you could create a popular culture artifact and provide universal access to it, describe what message you

Describe a time when you were surprised by something that was considered popular but that was new to you. Analyze whether or not you consider yourself to be an active participant in popular culture. Read More »