The Sky Hospital Consortium consists of 40 hospitals in various parts of the US. After being discharged, patients are given a survey to determine if they are satisfied with the overall service. In most cases patients are satisfied. However, some are dissatisfied. In addition, out of those who responded as being dissatisfied, some filed a formal complaint. In the Excel file, Hospitals, are the results for the patients during a specific year. The Sky Hospital Consortium is divided into the West, Central, and East Regions.
MTH 410 Assignment
The Sky Hospital Consortium wants to evaluate the performance of the hospitals. The Consortium wants to know which hospitals have the fewest complaints. You are to assist in the data analysis by using your knowledge of probability and conditional probability to help with the ranking of the hospitals, as well as each Region.
Order now for MTH 410 The Sky Hospital Consortium consists of 40 hospitals in various parts of the US Assignment
Managerial Report
Prepare a report (see below) with your ranking of the hospitals based on the probabilities and conditional probabilities, as well as the analysis of each region. Include the following seven (7) items in table format to support your ranking. Be sure to use five (5) decimal places for your probabilities in the table, as some of them might be quite small.
1 The probability of a patient responding “Dissatisfied” in each of the three different regions
2 The probability of a patient filing a formal complaint in each of the three different regions.
3 The probability of a patient filing a formal complaint given a patient response of “Dissatisfied” in each of the three different regions.
4 The probability of a patient responding “Dissatisfied” for each hospital.
5 The probability of a patient filing a formal complaint for each hospital.
6 The probability of a patient filing a formal complaint given a patient response of “Dissatisfied” for each hospital
The Sky Hospital Consortium consists of 40 hospitals in various parts of the US
Rank the hospitals within each region for each of the probabilities in 4 – 6. Then, find the sum of the ranks and get an overall ranking for each hospital. Evaluate and discuss the meaning of your results. Use tables, charts, graphs, or visual dashboards to support your findings.